FOOD FOR THOUGHT is run by four chemical engineering students at UC Berkeley, whose goal is to promote science education in younger students and inspire future engineers and scientists!

Common bananas are all genetically identical because they come from trees that have been cloned for decades.

> our GSIs Emily, Edwin, and Doug
> our teacher, Dr. Ciston
> Erik for all his HTML help!
Scroll down to follow us as we take you along a journey that explores the life cycle of food! Or, if you want to learn about a specific stage, click on a link below to jump straight there:
cooking foods
the digestive system
macromolecules in the body

Click on the images to learn more about each stage.

We most commonly obtain raw food by purchasing it from grocery stores, although many people also grow it themselves on farms or in home gardens.

The raw food we purchase is usually used as ingredients for more complex dishes that we make through cooking or baking. Cooking and baking are both processes which use chemistry to change the way our ingredients behave. Click below to learn more about how science is important.

After we purchase these raw materials, we consumers usually mix them together by following recipes to make more elaborate dishes. But how exactly do these recipes work? How can we mix flour and eggs to get a cake? Why does cooking raw meat make foods edible? What is the science behind making all these foods? Unfortunately we don't have time to explore all these recipes, but luckily we can look at one! FOOD FOR THOUGHT takes you behind the scenes to explore the chemistry of home-made ice cream.

> Even more on the science behind ice cream!
> How is ice cream produced on large, factory scales?
> Hank Green presents a Crash Course on more about water.
> Learn about the science behind baking the perfect pie to go along with your ice cream.

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Click the image above to learn about what happens to food after it's been cooked and has entered our bodies.

So what happens to all that delicious food after it's cooked? We eat it! Follow along with an interactive presentation as we explore the digestive system in our bodies. Full screen the presentation for the best view.

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Find out answers to questions like:
What fats are good for you?
Why do we need to eat a balanced diet?
What foods are "carbohydrates" and which are "rich in protein"?
What do these molecules do in your body anyway?

Updated Nov. 2013
CBE 185: Technical Communication for Chemical Engineers